
The Christmas Wrenby Gillian Clarke

Pack image of the The Christmas Wren: by Gillian Clarke poetry pamphlet on a decorative background
Group image of the The Christmas Wren: by Gillian Clarke poetry pamphlet on a decorative background

ISBN 978 1 907598 26 5

First published 2014

printed pages

Gillian Clarke


This year, to mark the centenary of Dylan Thomas’s birth, we are privileged to publish Gillian Clarke’s story The Christmas Wren, written in response to Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales.

Commissioned by the Dylan Thomas Centre, the story is for adults and children, and is a magical tale of the Christmases of a Welsh childhood populated by aunts and uncles, snow and starlight, boxes and baubles.

Gillian Clarke is a leading poet, and was appointed National Poet for Wales in 2008.

“The Christmas Wren is a masterpiece and is destined to become a classic.”

Carol Ann Duffy, Poet Laureate

Colour illustrations throughout by Lotte Beatrix Crawford.

Gweld fersiwn Cymraeg o Nadolig y Dryw.

ISBN 978 1 907598 26 5

First published 2014

printed pages

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