
Ten Poems about London

Pack image of the Ten Poems about London poetry pamphlet on a decorative background
Group image of the Ten Poems about London poetry pamphlet on a decorative background
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ISBN 978 1 907598 04 3

Published February 2011

20 printed pages

Introduced by George Szirtes

Various Authors


London has probably inspired more poetry than any of the world’s great cities. William Wordsworth’s iconic ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ shows how even a great poet of nature could be dazzled by its architectural splendour and the serene waters of the Thames.

In more recent times, poets have relished London for its vivacity and heady contrasts. Here, the Underground becomes a fascinating ocean:

“Swimming through the corridors and past signs
I consider if the bow-wave of multi-coloured
faces are really fish…”

from ‘Underground’ by Elizabeth Bartlett

George Szirtes’ eclectic selection captures something of the essence of the city, revealed through its railway stations, squares, coffee houses – even the trees that line its streets. Whether you’re a native Londoner or a visitor, this mini-anthology provides a perfect companion to this most beguiling of capitals.

Poems by Elizabeth Bartlett, William Blake, Elaine Feinstein, WS Graham, AN Stencl, George Szirtes, Sarah Wardle and William Wordsworth.

Cover illustration by Paul Catherall.

ISBN 978 1 907598 04 3

Published February 2011

20 printed pages

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