We’re looking for five brand new poems to appear in a pamphlet to be published in 2023. Ten Poems about Wonky Animals will contain a poem by each of the […]
How many ways are there to say “I love you”? According to poetry there are many – with room for humour, longing, lust, tenderness and a healthy dose of self-mockery. […]
We couldn’t survive without hope – that light at the end of the tunnel which seems to promise ‘this will pass’ when times are hard – and what better time […]
In our Almanac for 2023 you’ll find a gorgeous poem for every month of the year, including the six winners of our recent competition. We open with a cat and […]
Where would we be without families, to lift us up and love us, to make us who we are? This anthology celebrates all of the humour and warmth, the strength […]