Candlestick Press


Here you can find out more about the huge range of poets we feature in our pamphlets and the artists whose work appears on our beautiful covers.

We’ve now published poems by almost 800 historical and contemporary poets. In our pages you’ll find old favourites alongside twenty-first century voices – everyone from WH Auden to Benjamin Zephaniah. Although our emphasis is on British poetry, you’ll also find Irish, American and Australian writers.

We hope these pages will encourage you to explore further the work of a poet you’ve enjoyed in one of our pamphlets.

  • PK Page

    PK Page (1916 – 2010) was born in Dorset and emigrated to Canada with her parents as a child. She published novels, poetry, essays and books for children. Her final poetry collection Coal and Roses (Porcupine’s Quill, 2009) was published shortly before her death aged 93. It was shortlisted for the Griffin International Poetry Prize.

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  • Jay Parini

    Jay Parini is an American writer who has published numerous collections of poetry, as well as novels, biographies and academic texts. His biography of Robert Frost won the Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize for best non-fiction book of the year in 2000. He has also written novels about major literary figures such as Tolstoy and Herman Melville. His most recent poetry collection is New and Collected Poems: 1975 – 2015 (Beacon Press, 2016).

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  • Dorothy Parker

    Dorothy Parker (1893 – 1967) was an American author and critic known for her wit, who wrote for magazines such as Vanity Fair and The New Yorker. She was a founding member of the Algonquin Round Table but, following the breakup of the circle, Parker travelled to Hollywood to pursue screenwriting, where she was placed on the Hollywood Blacklist due to her left-leaning politics.

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  • Caleb Parkin

    Caleb Parkin, Bristol City Poet 2020 – 22, has poems in numerous journals and anthologies, with extensive tutoring and facilitation experience. He has published three pamphlets and a collection, This Fruiting Body (Nine Arches, longlisted Laurel Prize). He holds an MSc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes and is currently practice-as-research PhD candidate at University of Exeter, as part of RENEW Biodiversity.

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  • Ian Parks

    Ian Parks is a British poet and academic. He has published several full collections, including most recently Citizens (Smokestack, 2017) and his work been widely published in magazines and newspapers. He is the editor of Versions of the North: Contemporary Yorkshire Poetry (Five Leaves, 2013) and has taught creative writing at a number of universities. He now runs the Read to Write project in Doncaster.

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  • Abigail Parry

    Abigail Parry is a UK poet whose first collection Jinx (Bloodaxe, 2018) was shortlisted for several awards. Her work has been broadcast on BBC radio and published in journals and anthologies. She spent several years working as a toymaker and completed a PhD on wordplay. A second collection I Think We’re Alone Now is published by Bloodaxe in 2023.

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