Candlestick Press


Here you can find out more about the huge range of poets we feature in our pamphlets and the artists whose work appears on our beautiful covers.

We’ve now published poems by almost 800 historical and contemporary poets. In our pages you’ll find old favourites alongside twenty-first century voices – everyone from WH Auden to Benjamin Zephaniah. Although our emphasis is on British poetry, you’ll also find Irish, American and Australian writers.

We hope these pages will encourage you to explore further the work of a poet you’ve enjoyed in one of our pamphlets.

  • Frank O’Hara

    Frank O’Hara (1926 – 1966) was an important figure in the New York School of poets which also included John Ashbery. He created the idea of a poetic form that made room for all manner of events and experiences, including everyday conversations, and wanted collections such as Lunch Poems to capture the immediacy of the passing moment. A Selected Poems was published by Carcanet in 2005.

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  • Alison O’Neill

    Alison O’Neill is a shepherdess and farmer who raises native sheep on the hilltop farm in the Howgill Fells where she settled in 1999. She grows wool and works with tweed, designing her own highly successful range of clothing. Her memoir Shepherdess traces her remarkable story. She is regularly in demand as an inspirational public speaker and talks passionately about how she has managed to fulfil her childhood dream of running a traditional hill farm in her native Cumbria.

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  • Caitríona O’Reilly

    Caitríona O’Reilly was born in Dublin and now lives in Lincoln. She has published several poetry collections, from The Nowhere Birds (Bloodaxe, 2001) which was shortlisted for a Forward Prize to her most recent Geis (Bloodaxe, 2016). She has also written for BBC Radio 4 and published fiction, as well as editing several issues of Poetry Ireland Review and being a contributing editor to the Irish poetry journal Metre.

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  • Leanne O’Sullivan

    Leanne O’Sullivan was born in West Cork in 1983 and has published three poetry collections with Bloodaxe. The first, Waiting for my Clothes, appeared when she was only 21. Her work has been included in various anthologies and she received the Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary Award in 2009.

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  • Pey Oh

    Pey Oh is a Bath-based poet from Malaysia. She has an MPhil in Creative Writing from the University of South Wales. Her first pamphlet, Pictograph, was published by Flarestack Poetry in 2018. Her recent work can be found in Long Poem Magazine, The Scores – A Journal of Poetry and Prose and Butcher’s Dog.

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  • Charlotte Oliver

    Charlotte Oliver is a poet who lives on the Yorkshire Coast. Her work explores the extraordinary in the everyday and has been published widely. She is one of Ilkley Literature Festival’s New Northern Poets 2023 and her debut pamphlet is How To Be A Dressing Gown (Dreich).

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