Candlestick Press
Here you can find out more about the huge range of poets we feature in our pamphlets and the artists whose work appears on our beautiful covers.
We’ve now published poems by almost 800 historical and contemporary poets. In our pages you’ll find old favourites alongside twenty-first century voices – everyone from WH Auden to Benjamin Zephaniah. Although our emphasis is on British poetry, you’ll also find Irish, American and Australian writers.
We hope these pages will encourage you to explore further the work of a poet you’ve enjoyed in one of our pamphlets.
David Mills
David Mills is an American poet and actor. He studied Economics and Theatre at Yale before a three-year post as Writer-in-Residence at Langston Hughes’s home. He has published four collections of poetry, most recently After Mistic (New Feral Press, 2019).
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Robert Minhinnick
Robert Minhinnick is a Welsh poet, essayist, translator and environmentalist. His most recent collections include New Selected Poems (Carcanet, 2012) and Diary of the Last Man (Carcanet, 2017) which was shortlisted for the TS Eliot Prize. A novel, Sea Holly, was published by Seren in 2007 and shortlisted for the Ondaatje Prize.
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Adrian Mitchell
Adrian Mitchell (1932 – 2008) was a prolific poet, novelist, journalist and playwright. He completed his National Service in the RAF, which he said confirmed his natural pacifism and was firmly associated with left-wing politics in his writings and in editorial roles. He wrote poetry for children as well as adults, and a collection of his poetry, Tell Me Lies: Poems 2005 – 2008 was published posthumously in 2009.
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Faisal Mohyuddin
Faisal Mohyuddin is a writer, artist, and educator living in the US. The child of immigrants from Pakistan, his most recent collection is The Displaced Children of Displaced Children (Eyewear Publishing, 2018) which won the 2017 Sexton Prize in Poetry. He teaches at a high school in Illinois.
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John Mole
John Mole In addition to writing poetry for both children and adults, John Mole is a jazz clarinettist. He has won several prizes for his poetry, including an Eric Gregory Award and the Cholmondeley Award. His poetry for children is often exuberant and joyful, full of word play, rhythm and rhyme. All the Frogs (Salt, 2010) collects together all his children’s poetry.
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Jessica Mookherjee
Jessica Mookherjee is a poet of Bengali origin who now lives in Kent. She has been published in many print and online journals and anthologies including Agenda, The North, Rialto, Under the Radar and Poetry Wales. She was highly commended for Best Single Poem in the Forward Prize 2017. She has published two pamphlets as well as two full collections: Flood (Cultured Llama, 2018) and Tigress (Nine Arches Press, 2019). She is co-editor of Against the Grain Poetry Press.
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